Check out the collaboration between PSYCHIC FEVER and ViVi!


PSYCHIC FEVER appeared on the cover of the February issue of Japanese fashion magazine “ViVi”, and ViVi continues its interview with them!

They are a unique, wild and gorgeous group that is unlike any other boy group that has ever existed. PSYCHIC FEVER, a group of artists with such samurai spirit, appears on the cover of ViVi for the first time! Come on, let’s see their humanity and music with our own eyes and ears now. Before this talent is discovered by the world…

Click on the title of the article to see the ViVi article!

1. Deep Self-Introduction! They devised an original MBTI full of personality!

We’ll introduce a few details about the article! They each have a set of four letters that represent their personality as their original MBTI.

KOKORO‘s original MBTI: SSKK (Super Stoic(strict with himself) Kohatsu Kokoro)

REN‘s original MBTI: SKSK (SaiKyo, SaiKo(the best and strongest!))

TURUGI‘s original MBTI: MKKF (Majime(hard-working), Kire Sugoi(sharp moving/dancing), Kinishi(sensitive) Face)

WEESA‘s original MBTI: WESA (Take one letter from my name:D)

JIMMY‘s original MBTI: FREE (I’m often told that I’m free! (I know I don’t think so myself))

RYOGA‘s original MBTI: ROIS (RYOGAdesu!(I’m RYOGA!) Okashi ga
suki desu.(I love sweets) Ai ni afureta Star wo mezashimasu!(I aim to be a star overflowing with love!) )

RYUSHIN‘s original MBTI: HSKL (Hazukashigariya(introverted), Shy, Kagami(mirror) LOVE)

2. WEESA and JIMMY: “We can support each other.”

3. Opposites in appearance and skills! Watch out for RYOGA & KOKORO & TSURUGI!

4. Attention to the REN & RYUSHIN duo!

5. What was “impressive” in 2024 was… everyone’s happy faces!